Twitter User Recommender

Timeline: Mar 2021

I did this project with one other friend for UBC’s CPSC 312 course, and the code for our project can be found here.

This program allows users to input a search query about tweet content they are interested in, and returns a list of user accounts with popular & recent tweets matching the user’s preference.

After examining the grammar & constraints of the Twitter search API, we implemented a dictionary in Prolog for ourselves that defines how a valid request (user input) to the API should be structured. See here for the dictionary. We defined the components of a valid request as:

  • operator: an operator is simply pre-defined to be and / or.
  • filter_option: a filter_option is simply pre-defined to be a set of special filter keywords of the API, such as media, retweets, verified, that are used in the form of filter:media.
  • keyword: a keyword is defined to be anything that is not an operator, not a filter_option, and the word filter. The word filter is defined as a special keyword that separates the query portion from the options portion of the user’s input, described below.
keyword([X|L], L, E, C, C) :-
  \+ operator([X|L], L, E, C, C),
  \+ filter_option([X|L], L, E, C, C),
  X \== 'filter',
  check_keyword(X, R).
  • query: a query represents the first part of the user input / request, i.e., everything before the word filter. a query is:
    • either a list of keywords (such as “grumpy cat”)
    op_phrase(L0,L2,E,C0,C2) :- keyword(L0,L1,E,C0,C1), op_phrase(L1, L2, E, C1, C2).
    • or a list of keywords combined with operators (such as “grumpy cat or cat”)
    op_phrase(L0,L3,E,C0,C3) :- keyword(L0,L1,E,C0,C1), operator(L1,L2,E,C1,C2), op_phrase(L2, L3, E, C2, C3).
    • or a single keyword (such as “cat”)
    op_phrase([L],L1,_,C0,C1) :- keyword([L],L1,_,C0,C1).

The query then might also end with the special word filter, in order to signal that after this query portion, there are a list of filters, but if it does include filter, it needs to be followed by a non-empty array of words (if we didn’t want to input filter_options, we wouldn’t put filter):

op_phrase([filter | L], L, _, C0, C1) :- length(L, Length), Length > 0.
  • options: options represents the second part of the user input, i.e., everything after the word filter. options is:

    • either a list of filter_options combined with operators (such as “media and links or retweets”)
    options(L0,L3,E,C0,C3) :-
    options(L2, L3, E, C2, C3).
    • or a single filter_option (such as “media”)
    options([L],L1,_,C0,C1) :- filter_option([L],L1,_,C0,C1).
  • given these parts, the whole phrase itself is simply:

    • either a query (op_phrase in the code) followed by options (such as “grumpy cat or cat filter media and links”)
    phrase(L0, L2, E, C0, C2) :- op_phrase(L0, L1, E, C0, C1), options(L1, L2, E, C1, C2).
    • or just a query with no filter keywords (such as “grumpy cat or cat”)
    phrase(L0, L1, E, C0, C1) :- op_phrase(L0, L1, E, C0, C1).
    • or a single query keyword (such as “cat”)
    phrase([L0], L1, E, C0, C1) :- op_phrase([L0], L1, E, C0, C1).

The phrase represents how we validate a user input before making a request to the API! Once we get the user input, we process it to:

  • check if the input is a phrase
get_constraints_from_question(Q,A,C) :-
    phrase(Q,End,A,C,[]), // look at everything from Q until End
    member(End,[[]]). // where End is defined to be the empty list
  • split the input into the query and options parts
deconstruct([H|T], [H | Q], X) :- deconstruct(T, Q, X). // if the current word is not "filter" put it to the 2nd argument of `deconstruct` (as one of the return values), recurse on the rest of the list
deconstruct([filter | T], [], T). // if the current word is "filter", put everything after that to the 3rd argument of `deconstruct` (as one of the return values)

get_parts(Ln, Q, F) :-
  member(filter, Ln), // if "filter" exists in user input, put `query` into `Q`, and `options` into `F`
  deconstruct(Ln, Q, F).
get_parts(Ln, Ln, []) :-
  \+ member(filter, Ln). // otherwise, we only have a `query` with no filter options, put everything into `Q`

See here for details.

Last but not least, after the validate the request, we send it over to the API. The user accounts are found in the JSON response as follows:

   "statuses": [
      "user": {
        "id": 1298997255609790464,
        "id_str": "1298997255609790464",
        "name": "Avery ❦",
        "screen_name": "JE0NGHOUL", // what we want

Thus, we parse this as follows:

get_screen_names(JSON.statuses, RecommendedUsers, NumResults). // look at the statuses array, return the user account names as well as the number of distinct user accounts we found
get_screen_names([], [], 0).
get_screen_names([H|T], R, M) :- get_screen_names(T, R, N), member(H.user.screen_name, R), M is N. // if the current username has already been added to the result R, skip over it, recurse on the rest of the list
get_screen_names([H|T], [H.user.screen_name | R], M) :- get_screen_names(T, R, N), \+ member(H.user.screen_name, R), M is N+1. // if the current username has not been added to the result R, prepend it to R, increment the count, and recurse on the rest of the list

NOTES: We used this API, and we found that Twitter & Postman have a very cool integration that allowed us to import the Twitter search API to our Postman team workspace, and we were able to see & use the API endpoints very easily!

Gökçe Dilek
Gökçe Dilek
Software Engineer & Open Source Contributor
